LInks to art schools running life drawing classes, tutors, artists etc.
artsmart school of art Based in Beaconsfield, running full range of paining and drawing classes. Life class on Monday evenings.
Getting Started in Art LIfe dfrawing and watercolour classes in Sydenham, near Chinnor, Oxfordshire with professional artist Geroge Boyter
Varvara Neiman Successful professional artist with experience in all areas of paining and drawing. Teaches life drawing at artsmart and Missenden.
Stewart Clough Artist and illustrator. Organises exhibitions and classes, including life drawing on Monday evenings in Princes Risborough.
Henley on Thames School of Art Full range of art classes and workshops, incluidng several life classes each week
Maidenhead Life Drawing Tutored sessions on Monday evenings and Thursday mornings at White Waltham Parish Hall.
South Hill Park Bracknell, Berkshire, Huge range of creative arts courses, including life drawing on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, in beautiful house and grounds.
Queens Park Arts Centre Aylesbury. Over 70 arts workshops weekly, including life drawing on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings. .
Milky Way Gallery Collection of original paintings, drawings and limited-edition prints for sale online by Richard John Mitchell
Clarissa Galliano Successful and highly personal artist, who is an inspiring teacher when she can persuaded to leave the studio.
Spirited Bodies Ground-breaking project, mainly for women, using the liberating power of life modelling to contribute to personal growth.
Esther Bunting Personal site of Esther Bunting, creator of Spirited Bodies, performance artist, playwright, event director and life model
Jam Factory Oxford Atmospheric central Oxford cafe/bar and art gallery. LIfe classes on Tuesday evenings.
Art Nude UK Online life modelling resource and directory for models, artists and tutors.
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